25 February, 2009

What Really Makes a Top Chef??

As I'm sure all of you Top Chef Fans know, Hosea Rosenberg won the title of Top Chef. I am so disappointed. I've been waving the Stefan banner high all season because despite Tom Colicchio's claim that there is no soul in his food, I just don't buy it. Stefan has more personality in his pinky finger than jealous, trash-talking Hosea has in his entire body.

The judges chose Hosea, and since I was not there and did not actually taste the dishes myself, I can't say they were wrong. Clearly the method for deciding who is really Top Chef is flawed. In the end, I know it boils down to the dish of the day, but Stefan was far more consistent throughout the entire season than Hosea, and many of Hosea's failures (including throwing the lovely Ariane under the bus by not helping her cut the meat when he knew how...) just make it hard to find any kind of congratulations for him. I realize it's television and they hype up the drama, but after he won all he seemed to care about was that he beat Stefan.

While I was pulling for Stefan, I would have much rather seen Carla win than Hosea. I would not have been disappointed in her winning at all. That woman has got SOUL, and anyone who cooks with love in mind is a-okay in my book.

In my heart, Stefan won. He is clearly the better chef (person), and according to this mornings LA Times interview, he's got a lot of great things coming up in the future. He has a memoir coming out in May... I'll be buying that, and his starting his own line of clothing called "Cocky Chef." Good luck, Stefan. We will certainly miss seeing that sexy, cynical smile every Wednesday night.

Stefan, you're always welcome to come cook for me, and I promise I will never tell you to pack your knives and go home. ;)

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