13 March, 2009

Resident Evil 5 is HERE!

Sometimes I wish I had all the time in the world to sit around and play video games, seriously. If I did, I would master and make this game my slave before dawn tomorrow morning, because that's how I roll! My husband, little brother and I used to stay up until the crack of dawn playing Resident Evil when we got our Playstation way back in the day. We were fond of running around shoving each other and moaning the word, "STARS, STARS!"

While I tend to like Silent Hill just a tad bit more, I would definitely be content to check out the new Resident Evil 5, which comes out today. Supposedly it's filled with tons of gore and zombie action (MY FAVORITE!) If you happen to pick this up today, and you need a little hand holding while you're playing, be sure to check out Mahalo's incredibly informative Resident Evil 5 Walkthrough. The video games team at mahalo has also taken some time to create helpful pages on BSAA Emblems, unlockable costumes and unlockable characters.


  1. Uh, all I ever became hooked on was Tetris. I quit when I dreamed about it every night.

  2. YoVille on Facebook has me hooked, but I'm trying to break the habit... slowly. ;)

    Lynnette Labelle
